
To Fix What Was Broken II

Deviation Actions

XullraeZauviir's avatar

Literature Text

Xull'rae continued the conversation, regardless of Vesz'aun being there, "Think of this Draegloth, our house only craved domination and power...power we had but not enough. It was Lolth who cast us down…why not use the same one who threw us out to climb back up by using her AND another god to do it. I am granted power by both gods simply because Lolth does not know I serve another, because at face value I DO serve her, so am I not true to my house to do what I must to achieve the power we lusted for?" She was not trying to beguile him. Sometimes telling a truth better served your purpose than a lie. She knew she needed this wild unpredictable creature, so she must show courage and strength, of course a little sincerity might throw him off balance. She had to try, if she wanted to succeed.

Her plan worked, it brought the creature to a halted silence. For some overly long moments, his bestial mind churning over her words, uncertain at this point how to take it all. Then, with a low growl, almost a sigh, the creature turned about to face the altar once more, shaking its white maned head slowly. "Very well, but it still seems wrong somehow," the voice was almost a pouty one, if it could be called such.

Xull'rae snickered and offered a response with humor, even though she understood his misgivings, "since when do drow do what is right to achieve what they want..? Very few," it must be hard to be a creature bred and blessed by Lolth's intervention, to inevitably go against her will but not at the same time. Draegloth's were made to be vicious but obey the Matron of a house and that made her his mistress. It was ironic really, but Xull'rae was no fool and knew she must keep this creature hidden but close to her. Betrayal was too common in this society after all, she had to nurture him.

Again the large creature growled, spinning back towards her slowly. "That's not the context I meant it in." He shrugs it off though seeing her nod and continues speaking, looking her over and studying her odd features carefully, "at any rate, you and I have much to discuss, female. I tire of being kept caged up, so I am here to tell you I will do what I must to serve you, in order to be set free."

That was the opening she needed, but she told herself not to be overeager or greedy. Nurturing took patience, something she knew she had to work on. Keeping it simple at first was the best strategy right now. "You don't have to serve Vhaeraun, like I do, but he can be beneficial." Not wanting to preach or recruit at the moment, she wanted him to absorb the information first, but a little "advertising" wouldn't hurt, so she pressed on, "I noticed you are into magic well he can offer that unabashed." Noticing she did not know what to call him, she thought now was a fine time to ask, "what are you called…assuming you have a name?"

For Vesz'aun, the ruse was up as far as the female went, but he kept his hood up, hoping that the creature wouldn't recognize him. It also kept him from speaking at the moment.

The draegloth snorted and said in an arrogant tone, "mm, I take what magic I want for my own, I need no god to provide that. And the Mother called me Mourn."

Xull'rae suppressed her flash of temper, remembering that this draegloth just spurned Lloth too, she let it go. After a moment she realized that Vesz'aun chose to stay, for her sake or for fear she wasted no time trying to figure it out as it was probably both. "Go on male, I said I'm fine," she pushed Vesz'aun against the door gently enough.

To distract Mourn from the identity of the cloaked figure, she added in, after a short pause, relieved her voice sounded collected and calm, "you need not serve me either, but I think it would benefit us both, as our goal is the same, so I will see about housing you somewhere not so confined."

Vesz'aun grunted. Frowning as he dared not protest openly, as he nodded to Xull'rae, and swiftly made his way out into the hallway, not daring to look at the beast as he would lose his nerve. He never heard the reply of, "the human saw about housing me too, and you saw how that went. I pray that your version of such is a much kinder one. I'd hate to have to kill one of my last remaining kin, as I will the human all too soon."

After a moment of standing there Vesz'aun took note that Bragh and whoever was with him were long gone. Tucking the bundle and his cloak beneath one of the many benches which lined the hallway, he jumped upward, intending to enter the chamber and keep an eye on things via the small attic and rafter system which resided at the top. He detested the fact that the room was magically silenced so that no sound entered within or without whilst the doors were closed, because he would not be privy to what went on in there until he clambered his way up.

With Vesz'aun gone, she focused her attention on Mourn, aware that a draegloth's presence here would cause alarm among her brethren. She sought a clean and effective way to speed this along while seeming unhurried. "My name is Xull'rae," she added as an afterthought. "Of course it is," referring to Cogliostro, "he's a Rivven, to him you're nothing but a large dumb monster, but where to put you..?" She tapped her chin in pondering what to do. "I can't take you to the Lolth temple in the city, and keeping you here might be just as dangerous…but have thoughts of your own so where would you want to stay…not that you'll get what you want perhaps, but it'll give me ideas."

Mourn's eyes flashed a glowing red and a growl erupted into a snarl as he said, "he'll get a taste of large, dumb animal fury soon enough." As Xull'rae brought a single finger to her lips in a motion to quiet himself, he did so, but frustration still laced his tone as he answered her question, I am at a loss, Mistress, for I am far removed from my proper place, and time.

Xull'rae sighs peering up at him as she walked around him slowly holding her chin with her thumb and index finger. "You're too big too hide in a lot of areas, and this is not the City of Menzo, and it's certainly not safe for you to roam the city freely...very frustrating. Do you know any transfiguring spells to alter your appearance?"

Mourn shrugged his large shoulders, somehow knowing she was trying to be helpful. A priestess would not know too much of the arcane lore and didn't expect her to either. "Some minor ones, yes, though that will not be of much help in this city from what I've surmised...I've never seen so many wizards and other wielders of magic in one place," he replied, actually sounding rather awed by the time he was finished speaking.

Xull'rae caught the respect in his tone and gestured grandly, using a dramatic voice to give effect to her welcoming speech, the irony was she didn't use humor or sarcasm, though it would have been appropriate. "Yes the City of Dark Weavings, the greatest magic city in the world...welcome to Sshamath."

When he grinned, it was not a pleasant sight, so Xull'rae got on with business before the draegloth decided to act on natural urges and become unmanageable without alerting her brethren or resorting to violence. "You should just return to the inn this time just stay within the room you were in, my room or the library it connects to…okay it is the safest haven at this point, and the library is filled with spell books and other knowledge."

Vesz'aun at this point, had managed to get inside and was currently peering downward from high above, taking in the conversation. He let out a small gasp of protest, upon interpreting what his fire blossom had said to the horrid creature, then he promptly and silently chided himself for, hoping that he would not be sensed.

A decided frown formed upon Mourn's toothy maw then a malicious grin of sorts settled into place after a few moments thought. "Yes that would be wrench the knowledge I need to defeat the human from his very own selection of spells."

Xull'rae gave him a matching grin and warned for reminder's sake, "just be sure not to be seen or caught, I hope you understand why?"

So this one was young, he could tell. She had impressive potential though, her body despite the abnormal coloration's was fit, strong and healthy, while her talent of the mind was wild and free, a kindred spirit in his opinion. She had growing up to do, some of her mannerisms spoke of childish sincerity and quick to form opinions, but he could not deny her quick wit and able to strike deals and plots like an adult. Perhaps a bumbling adult at times, but she had survived this long then she would grow out of that in time. So he saw fit to correct her reminder with the truth, "I understand well enough, Mistress. Despite my heritage, I am not stupid."

Her demeanor did not change, she simply nodded in understanding. Xull’rae could be manipulated perhaps, but that required too much for a spirit such as hers, but he would keep things in mind to test her in the future to see if she was worthy of following. He inquired suddenly, "do we have funds with which I may procure some items of magic? That damnable human confiscated what I had on me, and the remainder of my items are lost in the past.."

As he was speaking, she was saying at the same time, "in any case I'm giving you permission for all three areas…although it is the rivven's inn and he only gave you that one room, so expect when he returns to be pissed at us both."

They looked at each other and both smiled. One was alluring, the other hideous. As they waited to see who would speak first, Xull'rae was the one who did so, answering his question, "I will buy what I can and drop them off to you...I don't have an extreme amount of funds but, what are some things you desire so that I may see if I can afford them?"

Mourn once more lewdly looked over the young woman in front of him that was his kin and his mouth stretched in what could pass for a smirk, despite still showing some teeth. "I'm sure you can work your way around the human's anger well enough." He hurriedly changed the subject, seeing anger flash across Xull'rae's face, but his smirk never left that bestial face as he talked, "since we have not many funds, I will procure what I can from the human's domain while I still roam free. With any luck, I will find my own items before he can stop me; which for right now, I believe is not a problem, as there was no sign of the human, mundane or magical, when I left. He's probably too full of himself to think I could have escaped anyway."

Xull'rae shrugged; content to let him do what he wished for now to see what he is capable of. Trusting this creature would be near impossible, but if she could show him she was strong enough to handle him then perhaps they could form a bond. In restoring her house, she would need allies, strong but trustworthy allies. Well, as much trust as she would dare give to such creatures as draegloth's and drow. "If you are sure, this the largest city to obtain magic items of all kinds, and yes I believe he had important errands to run knowing him. Methinks though, that you should go shortly. You are in a prayer chamber and others share this room, and while the clergy here are using me for their means I don't want them to use you as well," Xull’rae smiled in irony at the truth she spoke.

He shot her a quizzical look for a long moment then a slight smile of understanding creased his elongated maw. Nodding once, his large form began to disappear from plain view, the workings of a minor spell springing to life. "Yes, I shall take my leave...the longer I tarry, the less my chances of rummaging through the human's domain anyway. We will meet again soon, Mistress. I am now at your beck and call."

Xull'rae squashed the surge of excitement that ran from head to toe at Mourn's last words. She knew that the alliance was a fickle one and could change the next time they met, but it was a success all the same. Keeping her tone level and as it had been, she responded, "I will stop by later to check on your progress…if we can maintain our secrets and objectives, our house may rise from the ashes after all."

She was eager, he could smell it. He did not rebuke her for it, for he was himself. It gave him proof that she was at least serious to restore their name. "May it be so," said his maw, the only visible part of him now. The words were trailing towards the doorway from whence the creature had first entered. Then with a telltale opening of said doorway, the maw vanished in wisps and the beast was gone.

The place was oddly silent, even with spells in place it was too quiet. As if harboring a sixth sense that she was being spied on, now that she didn't have the draegloth to concentrate on, she figured Vesz'aun was lurking somewhere listening in the conversation but she saw no need to expose him any further than she had so she did not bother to look for him.

Replacing her mask she knelt down, the candles were still lit, the wax dripping and waning in size but she'd have to make do as she lit incense and began her prayer ritual.
log 25 continued unfixed lol
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